Service Prime Shop

Discussion in 'Our Products & Services' started by Cyber, May 23, 2017.

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  1. Cyber

    Cyber Administrator Staff Member

    Specificity: Prime Shop (Item Mall)
    Appropriate for chronicles: Gracia Final, Gracia Epilogue, High Five, Ertheia
    Price: 115$

    Prime Shop is an ingame shop which you can access by clicking on the Prime Shop button. The Prime Shop currency is called Balance or simply Points. You can charge these Points through database.

    Prime Shop goods categories:
    • All items - all items from all categories
    • Supplies - Soulshot and Blessed Spiritshot packages, potions, arrow and bolt packages, various scrolls
    • Wanted - here you can find the most purchased merchandise from all categories
    • ExpSpVit - EXP/SP talismans, XP/SP talismans and cookies
    • Decorating - masks, hats, circlets etc.
    • Agathion - agathions, agathions with buff
    • Mounts
    • Others - teleports items, rune of feather, extra entrance pass to Kamaloka, color title, some transformations etc.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2019
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