Event Costumes System

Discussion in 'Our Products & Services' started by WE, May 11, 2019.

  1. WE

    WE Administrator Staff Member


    Appropriate for chronicles: Ultimate Interlude, Gracia Final, Gracia Epilogue, High Five
    • 2 costumes (test) - FREE;
    • 10 costumes - 115$;
    • Unlimited - 575$.

    Costumes system - it’s an additional feature for your server, that will allows you to visually dress your character in different costumes (you can use as a special costumes, same as any visual part on any equipment, for example wedding costumes or C\R-Grade armor), which can be put over the equipment\armor without replacing it and will not remove the parameters/bonuses of your items. In such way you can allow your players to truly customize their characters and let them be unique. Forget about regular DC\Drac sets, now you will look different!

    Purchasing new Costumes system you will receive:
    • Visual system that will not replace\remove your character equipment;
    • 2 costumes for test (Wedding\Formal wear and Mithril Set);
    • System of enabling \ disabling visual appearance of the costumes at other characters (by enter the special chat-command);
    • 3 option of use:
    • Rune type;
    • Buffs;
    • Equipe on any inventory slot.

    Contact us for more details.