Extender AdvExt Interlude

Discussion in 'Our Products & Services' started by Xeonc, Mar 7, 2019.

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  1. Xeonc

    Xeonc Administrator


    Game Client: Interlude
    Game Core: Gracia Final
    Versions of extender: unlimited, limited (400 players), test(available only for License Owners)
    Price: 800$, 400$, 90$

    We are proud to present a new product for Interlude market. New Interlude is a fresh breath to market, a opens many new windows to launch extremely successful Interlude projects, which are still covers 50% of Lineage2 Free market. What key differences of this Interlude, in compare with old one, based on c4 core?
    1. Its fully stable on 3000+ onlines
    2. Fast L2NPC loading, 30 seconds, instead of 15 minutes
    3. Support of all actual protection systems - SmartGuard, StrixGuard, ActiveAnticheat.
    4. Support all our GF core features - PVP events based on deep engine integration, Java-like Community board, new Auth server, offline traders loading after server restart, etc.
    5. More flexible in additional features which you can order from us
    6. It supports from the box all the GF-HF features(your fantasy is limited only by Interlude client limits):
    - Instances
    - Flexible schedule
    - Managing Max Level of main and subclass
    - HTML size extended from 8kb to 16kb
    - Correct system augmentation
    - Correct fusion system
    - All Clan Hall sieges and Swoop Cannon works correctly
    - Support of monetization system like Olf shirt
    And the base of server is fully implemented Interlude server, where all works as it should
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