l2ice.com Interlude

Тема в разделе "Private Servers / Ваши сервера", создана пользователем coward, 11 янв 2011.

  1. coward

    coward New Member

    I recently found this server: http://www.l2ice.com/
    Rates: 10x

    They are claiming that they use AdvExt64 and that the server is under ddos attacks.
    I hope that this server will get fixed, there are many bad feedback from this server comunity: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=193559.0

    It seems that the server launch was not prepared good enough, but l2ice has a nice potencial.
  2. Fr3DBr

    Fr3DBr Guest

    nobody said advext64 will handle huge network ddos attacks.
  3. coward

    coward New Member

    I'll try to forward a message to the server staff here, the server site is down.
    Message from Soulles:
    Also there was a problem with selling no grade equipment for 250k adena with each character created.
  4. Nish

    Nish AdvExt64 Customers (IL)

    advext and depmax cant stop a "real" ddos attack....

    advext/depmax stops users from flooding user sockets not a botnet attacking the actual server
  5. Fr3DBr

    Fr3DBr Guest

    This is by the responsability of the owner of the server =) he must test stuff and etc.
  6. Honored

    Honored New Member

    Lol, I can login to l2ice at all. -_-
  7. Fr3DBr

    Fr3DBr Guest

    Propably old patch.
  8. vengefull

    vengefull AdvExt64 Customers (IL)

    lol l2ice and has AdvExt64 and DDoS attacks
  9. Fr3DBr

    Fr3DBr Guest

    You didn't made much sense.
  10. Nish

    Nish AdvExt64 Customers (IL)

    not many people make much sense in the l2community now..... everyone thinks that advext stops ddos attacks lol i think its kinda miss leading to advertise this to these morons
  11. Jin

    Jin New Member

  12. Fr3DBr

    Fr3DBr Guest

    Right Jin, but this is focused against "Socket Flooding in L2Server Port" nothing else, so it wont defend you when someone destroy your authd port, or when someone destroy your remote desktop port, or several other kinds of attacks wich requires a 'way more complex system' and costs alot of money, so don't go this way. because it's just wrong.