[L2OFF][C5] Lineage 2 Insomnia 5x

Тема в разделе "Private Servers / Ваши сервера", создана пользователем Simmo, 29 июн 2011.

  1. Simmo

    Simmo New Member


    After months of work and a good beta we are going live! it has been a amazing journey so far. The community has exploded and currently has 3400 members and we expect that number to get much larger once the server goes live and people have to make accounts to make a game account. Live should be packed.

    Our staff has grown a bit. We keep a small but very tight knit team. Please have a look at our staff page if you are curious.

    Server Information

    Chronicle- C5 (Oath Of Blood)

    5x xp

    5x sp

    5x Adena

    5x Drop (chance)

    3x Quest item (chance)

    5x Spoil (amount)

    1x Epics


    The client protection is top notch and afaik has never been bypassed. There will be no bots. It also blocks dual-boxing even if you use sandbox or vm.

    Server Hardware

    The server is bought and paid for, there is no rentals here. I did this so I could afford to put the server on a real ddos protected network (not cheap). More about the ddos protection farther down.

    Server Specs-

    2x Dual Core AMD Opteron 2212s

    2x SAS 15k RPM, 73GB HDDs

    12 GB RAM, DDR2 667 MHZ

    The server will hold 3k players with no lag.

    The server is located in the USA and we are using Internap as our carrier now. For those that don't know about Internap they are one of the largest and higest quality carriers in the world and the same carrier that NCSoft uses on their servers. We changed to Internap after some Euros were having lag issues and we found some of the problem was with our old carrier.
    DDOS Protection

    The main reason many of the bigger servers are closing or being forcibly closed is ddos attacks. Unfortunately it is a reality of the L2 Private server community. Not many servers are investing in ddos protection and most of those that do are being tricked. Many datacenters offer ddos protection but it is false advertising. A Firebox, Cisco router, or software ddos protection may work against small non-flood type attacks, but they all fail against large flood attacks. Those attacks are what is being used to shutdown so many large servers.

    I contacted over 100 Datacenters all over the world over the course of 2 weeks not too mention did a huge amount of research. **FACT** If the protection offered is not network wide and based off Arbor Peak Flow/Analysis and Top Layer technology...it is BS! We are hosted on one of these networks..shielded and fed clean traffic by the best ddos protection/mitigation in the world. Expensive? Yes...but if your going to do something do it well, right?

    I would like to thank the community for all they have done in helping us grow as a community. All our hardwork was to give the community a fun, longterm, secure, stable server. We hope you enjoy it!!

    Here is the site http://www.l2insomnia.com
  2. Fyyre

    Fyyre New Member

    If you willing to bet money on this, let me know.

  3. Catalin

    Catalin AdvExt64 Customers (IL)

    c5 clam system soon ?
    cause u just reopened the server that you have closed before .

    nothing new

    good luck :)
  4. Simmo

    Simmo New Member

    Learn what you're talking about before you say anything.

    oh and Fyyre, i'm pretty sure it can be cracked, just nobody has cracked it and released it to the public ... yet.
  5. Fyyre

    Fyyre New Member

    =) *nods*

    I have method that bypass any protection thrown at it, but is same... not public, and never will be for obvious reasons.
